12v Lithium LiFePO4 Batteries

We strongly recomend the use of an external battery monitor with all, but especially lithium chemistry, batteries. The flat voltage curve of lithium means that voltage cannot be used as an indicator of SOC (unlike the resting voltage of a lead acid battery). Even batteries which have an integrated BMS which communicates via Bluetooth with a Smartphone app, will benefit from the more accurate readings gathered by a Victron BMV700/702/712 or a Victron Smartshunt. In addition, the BMV712 and Smartshunt can be used in a VE.smart Bluetooth network to help provide MPPTs with accurate voltage data, direct from the battery terminals.


Which Lithium Battery to choose?!  Do you go for a brand you've heard of or just go for the cheapest?  Why are the prices so different?  All good questions...

Price tends to be based on brand, features, components and support with warranty always an important factor. (Warranty details can be found in the 'specification' tab on our product listings.)

Most now have integrated bluetooth to show you battery data, via an app.  The more expensive the battery, the better the app, generally.

Most batteries are made in China, but you pay more for batteries from European companies or even UK designed teams.  Don't forget the raw components will almost certainly have all come from China, but the cell type and build quality will vary by manufacturer, often you get what you pay for.

EPEver, Fogstar, Pylontech, Sterling Power, Victron - all very well known brands with great online reviews for their products and fantastic support.  Pylontech and Victron are the big boys, hence the bigger price...

LithiumPro Energy - New to the market, UK based with a product they believe is the best on the market and I can see why, very good product, priced accordingly.


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Fogstar Drift 12V 608Ah Heated LiFePO4 battery
Availability: In Stock - Delivery only 2-5 days
£1,024.17 +vat
Fogstar Drift 12V 628Ah Heated LiFePO4 battery
Availability: In Stock - Delivery only 2-5 days
£1,107.50 +vat
Fogstar Drift PRO 12V 628Ah Heated LiFePO4 battery
Availability: Available for pre-order. Stock available end March 2025
£1,145.83 +vat