2V Traction Battery - 12ltr pressure pump water bottle with trigger, flow indicator and particle filter

2V Traction Battery - 12ltr pressure pump water bottle with trigger, flow indicator and particle filter
Price: £137.50 +vat
£165 (including VAT)
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ID: 2909
2V Traction Battery - 12ltr pressure pump water bottle with trigger, flow indicator and particle filter

12ltr pressure pump water bottle with trigger, flow indicator and particle filter, for use with the 2V Traction Battery watering kits as below:

6   batteries(12V)

12 batteries (24v) 

24 batteries (48V) 

Voltage 2
Ah (C20) 670
Length (mm) 198
Width (mm) 83
Total Height (mm) 713
Terminal Type M10
Weight (KG) 31.6
Cycles 1500 @ 80% DOD
Chemistry Lead Acid