Sterling Power Pro Batt Ultra Battery to Battery Charger, 12V to 48V 70A, Green Label, 2 Year Warranty

Sterling Power Pro Batt Ultra Battery to Battery Charger, 12V to 48V 70A, Green Label, 2 Year Warranty
Price: £273.60 +vat
£328.32 (including VAT)
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ID: 2231

Sterling Pro Batt Ultra Battery to Battery Charger, 12-48V 70A, Green Label, 2 Year Warranty

The Sterlng Battery to Battery charger have become extremely popular as they fast charge batteries as you cruise along without the need for complex wiring, touching your alternator, voiding the alternator's warranty and tampering with the electronic control units (ECUs).  You can provide the onboard batteries with a fast 4 stage charging profile with a very simple and speedy installation.  All of the benefits of advanced charging without any of the drawbacks.  Simply connect the B2B between the battery being charged and the battery you wish to charge. 

The model listed here is to charge a 48 Volt auxiliary - leisure - lithium battery bank from the engine battery. The unit is installed between the two battery systems. It takes surplus enegy from the alternator circuit via the starter battery and charges the leisure/auxilary/living battery system. It is can charge lithium ion or lead acid batteries.

Cable Connection
Type and size Input 12V: 100A fuse. Output 48V: 40A fuse.
Size mm2 Input 12V: 16mm2 for 0-8m, 25mm2 for >8m. Output 48V: 6mm2 for 0-8m, 10mm2 for >8m.
Manufacturer Warranty
Standard Warranty: AMPS batteries 5 years, hardware 2 years
Warranty Docs: